From Separation To Unity (FSTU) – Facilitator Training
This unique FSTU Facilitators Training program starts with you. Your unique experience in this profound journey of remembrance, heart-healing, and transformation provides the best foundation for inspiring and supporting others. Now, when our world needs this more than ever. This training is designed to create and develop trust and confidence in your intuition and facilitate access to higher intelligence and manifestation.
You will have the opportunity to experience the FSTU modality as a giver and receiver, experiencing the growth, healing, and wisdom that this process awakens in ourselves and our recipients. This is one of the most complete and advanced facilitator training that will take you step by step toward your authentic self.
Attending this training will develop skills that will enhance all dimensions of your life experience, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual, allowing the effortless expression of your true life purpose in everything you do personally and professionally.
This training is meant for you if You would love to manifest the Heart’s Intelligence