
(FSTU) From Separation To Unity & Ecstatic Radiance at Greece Tantra Festival

(FSTU) From Separation To Unity & Ecstatic Radiance at Greece Tantra Festival

FSTU & Ecstatic Radiance with Kaifi & Mridu will be part of the Greece Tantra Festival at Osho Afroz.

Greece Tantra Festival is bringing together classical Tantra with the Wisdom of Greek ancient Mystery schools.

Every day of this extraordinary event is designed to take you through four main facets of Human Experience:  Sexuality, Love, Meditation and Celebration.

Our team of World famous Tantra Teachers and Musicians will offer many different Tantra practices, rituals, dance events, Live music concerts and performances.

Forever young mystical nights will take you to the sacred space of Eros – our delicious Love Lounge.

We will be following the ancient ways of performing the Sacred Tantric rituals in an open-air, under the sky full of stars and by the sea.

The event is finished.


Aug 26 - 30 2021

More Info

Book Here


Osho Afroz, Lesvos Island, Greece
Eressos, Lesvos Island, Greece


  • Mridu

    Mridu is the founder of Ecstatic Radiance – a Community Healing Movement . At Ecstatic Radiance, together with friends, he co-creates & shares the gift of healing and self-development. Meditation & awareness is the base of Ecstatic Radiance with an opening to all directions and healing modalities, always with deep respect and love towards any form of life.

    He is a Mentor & Trainer of (FSTU) From Separation To Unity – Heart Consciousness Evolution. FSTU is a healing system that arose intuitively and aligns with the latest scientific research into Heart Consciousness.
    He was born in Greece; In 2007, he visited the Osho Afroz Meditation Center, where he met a new way of life through Meditation & healing. He fell in love with the conscious way of living and working with people.

    All his work effort comes down to a single line of using different modalities as a vehicle to open the body/mind and access deeper spaces of consciousness, joy, presence & healing: a vision & a way to transform the individual conditioned human into a holistic, conscious being.

    He has trained in Osho Meditative Therapies ( Mystic Rose, No Mind, Born Again ), Biodynamic Breathwork BBTRS, Tantra, Osho Active Meditations, and Sound Healing, and he is a Reiki Master.

  • Kaifi

    Kaifi, creator of ‘From Separation to Unity’ and co-creator of ‘Conscious Coaching & Mentoring’ has been trained in and initiated into many different methods and techniques. He is a licensed HeartMath® Coach, a facilitator’s trainer of OSHO Meditative Therapies and Active Meditations as well as a certified practitioner of DVNLP and Ericksonian Hypnosis.

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