Shiva Deva
Mexico, Mexico City
Deva Shiva was born in the United States, but wholeheartedly grew up in different Regions in Mexico, it was until he left this both countries he started his journey of meditation in the OSHO community during 2016, where he learnt various meditation techniques. Using the body as a vehicle to access meditation, reconnecting all the wires that separates the state of relaxation silence, and fulfillment. Years of practice, experiencing and deepening brought him inspiration to facilitate all of these techniques.
At this time he has learnt from many teachers and practices which bring balance and new understanding about your Bodymind and soul, Such as From Separation to Unity, Crystal Ceremonies, OSHO Active Meditations, New Paradigm Multidimensional Transformation. Here we explore the art of Love, receiving and sharing, holding space for yourself through your heart.
He is part of a new project called ¨LoveLab¨ where all this techniques are happening right now in the neighbourhood of ¨Narvarte Poniente¨ in Mexico City.
- devashiva9609@gmail.com
- Mexico, Mexico City