
From Separation to Unity

Mehtap Yıldız, Turkey

My heart… my heart calls to me. My heart beats calmly. My heart is the closest to me, bigger and livelier than ever. My heart is warm. Kaifi starts to speak. We, humans, feel something missing. You coming here, participating in these sessions shows that you’re in search of something. You feel something missing.   You know the wholeness, that’s why you feel something missing. If you know the wholeness, you feel the incompleteness. What a beautiful expression this is! He […]

Leela Olga Oltean

Leela Olga Oltean – Romania

Reconnecting with that experience is always bringing a new understanding, a quality that emerges always fresh. Remembering myself receiving Kaifi’s words together with the invitation to dive into experience. At that time one word appeared with so much clarity out of it: “allowing”. On personal level a huge shift happened. When i realized towards what my focus has been attracted all my life until that moment. And how i was unconsciously feeding it like a junkie almost. This brought so […]

Devi, Turkey

During “FSTU Practitioner Training” I met and connect with my self in a deep ocean, which is already in me creating deeper layer of calm, trustful understanding towards me and the others. From this space we can understand that there is no word or therapy needed. All the answers are in that ocean and this awareness is imprinting in our cells. After this work all my understanding and quality of my meditation has changed totally The unique Kaifi’s quality is […]

Rani Alexa Schmid, Switzerland

It was such a treat and means a lot to me to have felt at the right place at the right time. We finished the “FSTU Practioner Training” about four months ago and since than I feel, the way how I perceive myself as a human being, a woman and in the world has shifted and changed in a positive way, into a more holistic one perhaps. I feel in generally more at ease with being aware of all the […]


Dr Wendy Freaker – Devena, England

A unique experience that can complement and expand anyone’s work and meditation. Such an opportunity. A transforming journey. Having retired from the Western style of analytic therapy as a Consultant Psychiatrist with some disillusionment, asking why we don’t change and what about “me”? I later came to meditation and the OSHO meditative therapies, which seemed more natural. Recently, I experienced the FSTU Practitioner Training that has proved to be an obvious inclusion. It imposes nothing on the participants, it is […]

Asang Hriday

Asang Hriday, Romania

I went in the FSTU Practitioner Training feeling a lot of turmoil inside and having a pretty bad relationship altogether with myself. The training felt like a psychedelic journey of deeper and deeper Love and acceptance, and by the end of it, I somehow knew that, in a way, it had represented the end of my search. I was full of gratitude for what was found and for having this tool to share with others.

Vikalpo, Greece

‘From Separation to Unity – Practitioner Training” reviled to me new aspects of the dimension of the Heart. Gave me a “hands on” experience that it’s truly always available.